She’s nervous.
I’m nervous.
I am having a hard time leaving my 7 year old with strangers for 6 hours and 40 minutes 5 days a week.
How did you all do it?
You want to know why we decided to send her to school? My husband got a promotion in October. He is much busier. Homeschooling with a two year old in the home is hard. Very, very hard. Without my husband’s help it is more stressful than ever.
Another reason we decided to quit homeschooling, my daughter doesn’t like school work. At all. The constant complaining was putting a strain on our relationship. I don’t want to be on her case all the time to finish school work. For now, instead of teacher, I’m going to be mom. (I realize I’ll always be her teacher as well.)
Finally, now that we’re home more than traveling I’ve noticed my daughter is lonely. We joined a local homeschool co-op but just didn’t connect with anyone. Granted, the co-op was just one day per week of class time. Not social time. I’m excited to see her develop friendships with other Christian kids.
I know that homeschooling works really well for a lot of families. It worked well for us when we were traveling. But now, for this new phase of our life, we are trying out private Christian school.
I’m nervous. But I feel good about this decision at the same time. I’ll keep you all updated.
I have not started homeschooling, but considering it. My older son is in school and has always been, but the little ones are learning now, from me. We’ll see. Good luck!
Thanks for the well wishes, April. Homeschooling worked well for us in Pre-K and K. But now, it just seems harder than it needs to be. After four days of school at our private Christian school, it appears we’ve made the right decision. My Princess fits right in with her 17 classmates, is right at the level she needs to be, and she LOVES it. I am so happy.
I hope all is going well with the change into school. With my youngest I wanted to home school but never went threw with it due to I wanted her to have the experience of having other children her age around her.
Thankfully, my husband’s job enabled her to interact with kids at churches all over Washington state. Plus, we live only 1.5 miles from a large extended family. We did try the Homeschool Co-op last semester, but she was shy there, she didn’t connect with the other kids. After one week at this new school she is doing great. She is friends with the whole class. She even has a “best friend” already!
Glad you found what works best for you:)