(in no particular order)
1. Cheerios and Spaghetti – she is going through this stage where she doesn’t want anything but cheerios and shaghetti. Even things she used to love – like bananas – are passed on by. (Oh, and she will always eat a little of mommy’s soy ice cream at night or popcorn.)
2. Throw Your Hands in the Air – is a game that her and daddy play every day. He puts her on his shoulders and he sings, “throw your hands in the air, and wave them like you just don’t care”, and she sings along with her hands raised high.
3. Random items – she carries random items around the house. Her toothbrush, daddy’s t-shirt, her blankie, pajama bottoms, dress, etc…
4. Her Disney Princess Couch – if we try to sit on it, or lean against it, she wants us to move. She has to sit on it. It is quite cute.
5. Toddler utensils and bowls – she plays with these in the kitchen while I cook. She is pretending to cook too, or eat, or something. She stirs it around and around.
6. Screaming – she can’t talk yet and I can just hear the frustration in her screams when she is trying to “tell” me something. Unfortunately I cannot interpret screaming, at least not yet.
7. Bath Time – she knows the words, “do you want to take a bath?” Which is funny, because that is what we always used to say to DJ. She, unlike DJ, gets very excited and runs to the bathroom door.
8. Crazy Laughter – she is learning how to laugh loud, but she does it at random times. When there is nothing funny going on. But it makes us laugh, thus perpetuating the crazy laugh.
9. Outside – what else can I say about this? She wants to go out the front door, or the back door all the time. Excitement exists “out there”, and that is where she wants to be.
10. More – since she has learned to sign “more” she uses it for everything. Now it has become the sign for breast milk or “I want that”. Usually it is for breast milk. She does it in the middle of the night now, with her eyes closed, when she is only half awake. This is becoming not cute.