Well Isabella had her first “big” accident. I feel so terrible because I let her have the water bottle. She loves her daddy’s water bottle. It has a straw which she loves to bite on. On Friday night he came home with an empty water bottle from vespers at Weimar Chapel. I let her have it, we always let her have it. But as she chased her daddy to the bathroom, she tripped, and the fell directly on the water bottle. The plastic straw scraped from her front teeth all the way up to that piece of tissue that connects your top lip to your gums and severed it! She screamed and bled, and bled and bled. We remained calm for her sake and called Don, Tyler’s boss, who happened to be an ER nurse before he decided to become a pastor. Luckily he was still at Weimar and he drove over to check it out. He came expecting something to be sticking out of her cheek, so he was relieved when he saw that it was nothing “serious”. He looked at the wound, which Isabella hated! And then he assured us that all the blood cleaned it out, and that the ER would be able to do nothing more. We called Tyler’s sister Melanie, since her son had the same thing happen to him. She also told us the ER would not be able to do anything. So once it stopped bleeding and Isabella calmed down, we all went to bed. The next day though, Isabella woke up and it bled a little again. This time, she was scared and was fascinated by this pretty red stuff coming out of her mouth. She even began to rub her upper lip and look at her hand, hoping that she would see red. Gross!
Oh I am so sorry about her accident! Isn’t it funny how seemingly friendly toys become hazards?
I am glad that she is ok.
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