I got that line from John and Kate Plus Eight, and thought it was funny. Seriously though, I may possibly be going crazy. The last two days, Isabella has been screaming, constantly. So yesterday at lunch, I screamed too. (I know, I know, I am probably just perpetuating the behavior, but I couldn’t help it. Her screaming was just about the most annoying noise I could handle at the time.) So she stopped screaming, looked at mommy with a frown (she has started making these crazy frown faces), and then busted up laughing. Which in turn made me laugh. And my mom, who was on the phone with Tyler, said “What is she doing to my baby?” Your baby mom, really? Okay, you come take her and let her drive you bananas.
Which reminds me of another time Isabella was screaming. In Olive Garden. I looked at my mom and said, “Could you please keep your child quiet?” She laughed.
So it drives Tyler crazy too. So I take some consolation in that. I am not the only one. I am not a terrible parent, for admitting my child drives me crazy sometimes. Last night I said to him, “Welcome to my world, ALL DAY.” Which obviously does not help the situation but I felt good for a tiny nanosecond for saying it. His world is stressful too, just in different ways.
So all you people out there, with family nearby to come over and watch the kids. You’re lucky. Don’t forget it!
Oh and by the way, despite the fact that Isabella was driving us crazy. We are crazy in love with her. We pulled out the camera last night because she was copying daddy as he was skipping down the hall. Her skips are about the cutest thing right now. We laughed so hard, which made her want to keep doing it. Then we turned the TV on to the guide station which plays some cheesy music. She danced and danced. And her dancing is FUNNY. I had to record that too.
So I don’t know how it is possible, but they drive you crazy, and you love them more and more every day. even that statement sounds crazy. Maybe I am crazy – Crazy about Isabella.