My Princess has been saying she was two years old for the last month. Grandpa taught her that one. It is so cute. Yesterday she officially turned two! I cannot believe it. How can two years go by so fast? I know, that is what all the parents say. All the years go by fast. I can feel it now.
What fun we had for her birthday. A local Baptist church has a great ministry/business called Jungle Playland. After two hours of fun, (even I ran around the playland and had fun), we came home to our first official party (in our new house). Pizza, salad, chips and cake made for a great dinner that all the children and adults loved. We watched Up (too loudly I must admit) and a little bit of the new Ice Age movie as well. It is funny how quickly your life changes with children. I may not be on the up and up about adult movies anymore, but kids movies?, I am becoming an expert. (Yep, I am a mommy.)
This morning my Princess had a true big girl moment. She climbed up on the toilet, tried to get gum (her incentive for going potty). Failed getting gum when daddy caught her. Then decided the best way to get her gum as to pull down her pants, take off her diaper and just go pee pee in the potty! We were so proud of her. And she chewed her gum for about a half an hour before handing it back to mommy so she could eat a snack. Wow, my Princess is a BIG GIRL. (Sad or happy, not sure at this moment. Parenting is so confusing.)