On Monday night we decided to do something we have never done before. I am not sure why we have not done it before. It was always only less than 15 miles away. The cost has always been a resonable $3 for adults and the Princesss would be free. We just never got around to doing it.
We went to the public pool!
And we had loads of fun. The Fidalgo Pool is a large pool, with many pool toys including floating basket ball hoops, boards, balls, rings, climbing wall, diving board, and even an enclosed slide. I was the last person to walk out of the changing room and imagine my surprise when my dear husband had my 2 year old Pricess at the top of the slide, ready to go down. I am a BIG worry wart. As I watched them shoot out of the slide together I was afraid they were going to knock heads, she’d cry and be terrified of the water for life. Did that happen though? Nope. She came out all smiles, saying, “More”. Did mommy let them go again? Nope. Hey, you are supposed to be 44 inches to ride down it! (She is only 34 inches right now.)
The Fidalgo Pool also had toddler life jackets that fit my Princess so wonderfully. She couldn’t actually float by herself in it, but with a noodle she was able to float on her tummy, keeping her head above water and kick her feet. It was cute. We told her she was swimming, and she was happy. Now, I am thinking about swimming lessons this spring and summer.
So for $6 our family had an enjoyable Monday evening. Not only was it fun but also we got some much needed exercise. Public Pools Works for Me!
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