Okay, something quite cool happened yesterday. Dum da da dum… (that is my drumroll) my Princess went Poo Poo on the potty!
When she started to hide under the kitchen table we knew exactly what she was doing. Hiding to go poo poo. (Why in the world do kids do that? Just go on the toilet!) So we brought her into the bathroom, set her on the toilet seat, and waited. And waited. And guess what? She didn’t go.
I then did something drastic. It could have backfired (no pun intended). But I took the chance. I took off her diaper. I assured my husband that she would not poo poo on the floor. (Fingers crossed, prayers sent up.) When she put her hand on her behind five minutes later and ran towards the bathroom, I knew. She was going to go on the potty! I gave her some privacy and heard the little plops. We wiped, sang, danced, and said “Bye Bye Poo Poos” as they went down the toilet.
Yay! My baby is getting so big. Now, if I can just keep the momentum going! (No pun here either!)