That is what I was when I was three. A BIG scaredy cat. I was taking swimming lessons at a local pool. They put up a platform so that the shallow end would be even more shallow. As all the children held hands, and followed along with the instructor, singing Ring Around the Rosy, I was scared. At the end of the song when we all were supposed to “fall down“, I was the only one who stayed up. Even at 3 years of age, that is so like me – a pretty big wuss.
So, when we went to our outdoor community pool this week, I was in awe of my own 2 1/2 year old’s bravery. I held her hand and sang Ring Around the Rosy. I didn’t tell her to go under, but when it came to the end of the song, she went under all by herself. Her little eyes were closed and she held her breath. When she came up, she blinked several times and said, “Again.” She LOVED it. I am so proud of her.

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