My Princess went to the dentist this week while we were home. We noticed a small black spot on her tooth and were worried. Sure enough, it was a tiny cavity.
We were told that her molars had very deep grooves that would make it difficult for the toothbrush bristles to clean. The one thing about my Princess is that she loves brushing her teeth and using mouthwash.
The hubster and I decided not to make a big deal about the visit. We prayed together before and we told our Princess that she would be getting a special star to fight against sugar bugs. She was excited.
When she sat down the dentist was so great. He talked about what he was going to do before he did it. Since the cavity was so small he did not use any anesthetic.
I was so proud of my Princess. She didn’t flinch or complain once. No tears, no fear.
The dentist called it a miracle.
We told him we prayed all day that it would go well.
He said, “Well, prayer works!“
Yes it does.
Thank you, Lord!