I have mentioned that this year we’d like to do more for our community and for others this holiday season. Our daughter is at an age know that she can be more helpful and have her own ideas of what she wants to do.
This week, we picked out hats and gloves for boys and girls to add to the collection bin at the library. We also bought some non-perishable food items for the church Thanksgiving basket ministry. We had fun picking those things out and it didn’t cost much out of pocket. {She is excited to write down the things she is doing and place them in her Sparkle Box.}
Here are some great Thanksgiving quotes I put together for the holiday season:
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
I’m thankful for a healthy family. Most aren’t so lucky and I need to remember the small and big things!
nice post. It seems we are all doing things to be thankful for. SO it is nice to see it from a different angle.
I am thankful for so many things, family, God’s blessings, my kids…but today I am especially thankful that we have the freedom to vote. Thank you for visiting my blog too! ๐
I am thankful for my boyfriend and son, that I love more than anything in the world and that we have a house, food, clothes and are healthy. That’s all we need right!
Beautiful quotes by the way! ๐
Thank you for the inspiring quotes….I love this time of year when we all remember to be thankful.
I am thankful that God has let me have another year in freedom with my sons. It’s a blessing I took for granted until I faced some major legal issues a few years ago and realized how quickly a stupid mistake could have taken that away from me.
I am so thankful for everything; my family, friends, new home… I am so much to be thankful for! ๐
I love reading inspiring quotes it helps a lot to strength our minds…Thanks a lot for sharing this inspiring one..
I’m thankful for my very supportive and caring husband.
I think it is easy to forget to focus on and be thankful for little things each and everyday and not take our time forgranted. Life changes in split seconds and we need to cherish and appreciate the time we have with our loved ones each and everyday.