The things that come out of my preschool age daughter’s mouth often make me laugh. It is quite funny to hear the thoughts of an almost 5 year old girl.
She recently was acting poorly, misbehaving, being disrespectful, and basically just pushing my buttons. I was losing it. And out of nowhere she says,
“Mommy, please don’t put this on Facebook.”
Now, how can I be angry at such a cute little thing? She is learning that in this digital age I am sharing more and more things about our life. Then, later that same week, she asked me to post something on Facebook.
Since we got home from Indiana, she has been trying her best to sleep in her castle bed in her own room. One night this week her daddy laid next to her to help her fall asleep. He asked her what she wanted to be when she got older:
“A fireman or a karate teacher. I want to be a fairy but I don’t have wings.”
And yes, she was very serious.
We went to the mall this week and you know who was there. Yep, Santa Claus. She was in awe. She still believes in Santa Claus. She thinks Jesus tells him if she is naughty or nice. She went up to Santa, quite boldly. No fear this year and when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said with certainty:
A Barbie Dream House
So guess what daddy did yesterday? He bought her a huge doll house from Costco. {Don’t tell her, it is Santa’s gift for her on Christmas morning.}
As I was putting her to bed, I let her watch a puppy movie, and she grabbed her nativity snow globe and said softly and wistfully,
“I wish I could go in there.”
I gave her a big hug and kiss. She is so sweet. Though I don’t say it often enough, and I need to say it more, I have an amazing daughter. I am blessed indeed!
She sounds so absolutely precious. I love that you’re getting this in writing because kids grow up too fast. ๐
She is going to love waking up Christmas morning to find her Barbie Dream House waiting for her! Take lots of pictures.
Ha, so funny! I have a five year old too, and it’s crazy the things she says sometimes.