We travel. A lot. I breastfeed. A lot. My Little Man is 9 months old and I am planning to breastfeed him until he is two. Here are my Tips for Breastfeeding On the Go:
1. Feed him when you can. Stopping at Starbucks during your drive? Feed him. Potty Break? Feed him. I have fed my son in the airport, in the restroom, in the restaurant, in the van, anywhere that is necessary.
2. Wear your nursing pads. Bring an extra pair on the travel day. There is nothing I dislike more than having a wet shirt that then dries and smells like sour milk.
3. Bring your nursing apron or shawl or scarf. Don’t fight too hard with your baby to keep him covered. Most days I don’t win. I just try to be as discreet as possible.
4. On the airplane feed on demand and then some. It is easier than entertaining a baby for 5 hours and those around you appreciate a quiet baby too.
5. During a meltdown just pause and feed him. Nothing soothes my Little Man like a time out with mommy’s milkies.
6. Bring a travel pump. It is a lifesaver!
Nuby Breast Express Travel Breast Pump is easy to carry when you are on the go. It is small and can be an absolute life saver. The BPA free storage container also has a cap. You can manually express your breastmilk and store it while traveling. I love owning this product. Of course, it is not as efficient as my big electric breastpump but it gets the job done.
You can purchase the Nuby Breast Express Travel Pump from Buy Baby Direct for only $12.99!
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Do you have any travel Breastfeeding tips to add? I’d love to hear yours!
Disclosure: I am Nuby Mommy Blogger. I received the above product for review purposes. All opinions are mine.
Wonderful post! These are great tips!!! My little guy also hates to be covered when nursing. Way to go with making it to 9 months! I also hope to make to 2 years 🙂
I made it two years with my first. But I will admit it was not easy. 🙂
I was never able to pump. TOok me hours to get 1/2 ounce! But, I was an avid breastfeeder of all 3 of my kids. Made my life easier for sure!
with a new born on the way these tips are very informative for me, thank you!
Congratulations Krystyn! So happy for you!
Hmm..I’ve never used a travel pump. But, I’ve never traveled when I got super uncomfy nursing, either.
We drove an 11 hour car trip where I didn’t feed as much as normal. My milk was so full, I was just leaking everywhere. This is when a travel pump is vital 🙂
My kids never fought me on being covered, but I’m very modest so if they kept fighting me, I’d be sure to go to a place where nobody had even a remote chance of noticing. That’s just me though.
Both my kids have fought me about being covered. Thankfully, no accidental flashing has occurred. {That I know of…}
My best tip is to use changing rooms. That was a tip from my MIL. Find a bigger department store, that isn’t too busy, and ask to use a dressing room. I have found staff really friendly and helpful and those allow for some great privacy. My kids were both easily distracted while nursing so finding a good, quiet place was important for success.
I do that too Andrea! Great idea. And if your mall has a Nordstrom or BabysRUs I always used those. Nordstroms has a great bathroom for nursing with a sitting area and BabysRUs has a nursing room.
Like I said on google, just do it 🙂 We need more advocacy for breastfeeding moms. We are probably one of the only cultures that makes kids wean before they are ready and makes moms feel like they have to hide out to nurse!
Thank you Christy. Yes, I am a big proponent of breastfeeding. I know some can’t choose not to, but for others there shouldn’t be such a stigma associated with it. I like that – Just Do It 🙂
These are some great points! I am sending this to my sister!
My little man is 9 months too! And these are fantastic tips! I exclusively breast feed, he’s not on any baby food or solids yet and we travel a LOT too… and I have to agree with all of your tips. Especially the ‘feed when you can’ – that is EXACTLY what I do. Hubby runs in for a coffee – I feed. Gas? I feed. Potty break – I feed. It keeps him happy. No reason to stress about it either, since we have what they want we can feed anywhere 🙂
No food yet? Are you purposely waiting or he is just not interested? We have done foods now but no dairy, soy, or wheat yet. We are waiting until he is 1 for those items.
Great tips! Even though my baby is nearly 15 months old, number 5 still works wonders. I wish I had known about the manual pump back when I was breastfeeding more frequently. What a good price.
Great tips! I have never seen nor heard of a travel pump! I love it!
Great tips, all very helpful. I remember being so terrified going out in public with my daughter when I was breastfeeding her.
I took a cross country road trip while I was still nursing and it was tough. Fabulous tips!
As I’m nursing my 2+ year old at the moment I can say that nursing while traveling can be difficult. I always made sure to wear things that covered up so I wouldn’t have to bother with covering her. More would get exposed that way if you know what I mean 🙂