We are taking a road trip with our kids this month. We will be driving to Northern California. Obviously since we travel for my husband’s work, we should be pros at this road trip thing. But it is still difficult with two young kids. I am excited to have a guest post today from Sarah Tilton. She will be sharing a fun recipe!
Recipe for Easy Car Travel
Here are 9 essential ingredients for a successful car ride:
- 1-2 convertible car seats and/or booster seats (depending on number of kids)
- 4-5 Rockabye Baby Music CDs
- 10 soft toys
- 1 dash of sanity
- 6 water –filled sippy cups
- 4 different healthy snacks (options!)
- 2 window shades
As parents, our job is to keep our kids as safe as possible. The main ingredient of this recipe is a good, reliable car seat. In addition to being safe, the kid needs to be comfortable. Really comfortable. Look for a seat that adapts as your child grows and is designed with revolutionary head safety features that are clearly labeled and visible.
Wherever your travels may take you, be sure to check out new car seat laws. You may be headed for a state that requires children to be restrained in a car seat until age 8. A ticket is not on the list of ingredients, and will likely spoil anyone’s travel appetite. With the “boost” of a booster, junior’s body will fit safely under the seat belt and he’ll be able to see out the window better.
Within what feels like minutes of leaving, your toddler may (will) start to squirm. Before leaving, make a list of playgrounds and rest stops along your route and stop every 2 hours. To entertain rear-facing car seat riders, give them soft toys and soft books. Older kids should get to choose at least one (parent-approved) toy for the ride.
Let your toddler choose tunes and sing-a-longs that will keep him engaged and having fun. Keep in mind your travel time—and your sanity—and include something from Rockabye Baby Music.
If you can, make cruise time nap time. Remember to bring siesta accessories, such as pacifiers and blankies. It may be sunny–too sunny for a sleeper–so we suggest the Britax EZ-Cling Window Shades to keep little ones shielded from excessive rays and light.
This wouldn’t be a true recipe without food! Make sure your riders are happy and well fed before taking off. Nobody wants to drive with a hungry grouch. Keep water and easy-to-open-and-access snacks near your toddler.
Enjoy your trip!
*Find a local car seat check through SafeKids USA to insure proper car seat installation!
About Sarah Tilton
Sarah Tilton is a child passenger safety advocate with Britax. An active Certified Passenger Safety technician and instructor, Tilton frequently participates in child passenger safety activities at a local, state and national level. She is active with Safe Kids Charlotte Mecklenburg and is a member of the North Carolina Child Passenger Safety Training Committee.
Do you have any great road trip with kids tips and tricks?
LOL, I came here thinking you had posted an actual recipe for food that was easy to transport. Oopsie! Great tips though. 😀
I like how she made a “recipe” for travel. Very fun, Dee. Thanks for coming by!
Very informative article. These are indeed great to have especially when traveling with little kids. Gotta do everything to keep the kids occupied while the car is moving.
Always keeping them occupied and driving when they are normally sleeping are what we do, Jerla 🙂
I love this post, I also thought it was a recipe..lol.. thank you for sharing..
I love how it is a “recipe” but has nothing to do with food! 🙂 Thanks for coming by Kelly.
Good tips! I love the “Dash of sanity”, LOL! 🙂
The dash of sanity should really be a heaping cup of sanity. Road trips are sometimes a steel cage death match 🙂
window shades are nice even for us BIGGER kids =)
I agree, Pamela. Especially in the summer driving to N. California.
Love this list! That dash of sanity is a must! 🙂
Great list! I don’t know why we’ve never used window shades. I bet we’d have better car sleepers if we did.