Are you sticking to a budget this holiday season? Money gets tight during the month of December for many families. This is why I appreciate a company like the Springfield Collection. When the current trends are dolls that are well over $100, Springfield is making amazing 18 inch dolls for children that are affordable and beautiful.
Say hello to Abby, Maria, Olivia, Emma and Madison:
About the Springfield Collection
These are the Springfield Collection® Dolls. They have silky hair and sparkling eyes. Their reasonable price tag of only $21.99, vast collection of trendy accessories and online clubhouse, known as SF Style Club, make these dolls a favorite with young girls and their smart moms!
This holiday season I am highly recommending these dolls for your children age 4+. In fact, I am wrapping the Emma doll for my Princess and I know she is going to be so excited. She has been asking for doll furniture and outfits for Christmas so I am pleased to find that the Springfield Collection includes both of these at affordable pricing.
Springfield Dolls are a Brand of Fibre-Craft®, the beloved company that’s celebrating 60 years of making children’s creative activity products. As the Springfield Collection proudly explains on its website,, “we know the importance of imagination and creative play in a young girl’s life. The line includes five gorgeous, quality-made dolls, each with her own unique personality and story.” Selling at just $21.99 per doll — and available at major retailers like AC Moore, Michael’s and Jo-Ann Fabrics — the blogosphere has been buzzing with rave reviews!
SF Style Club
One more great perk of the Springfield Collection of dolss is that children can become an SF Style Club member to receive a free membership bracelet and card. Simply click on, register and get ready for online play like dressing the dolls in your own creations, creating a one-of-a-kind style gallery or sharing your looks with friends and family. The more points earned through online play, the more surprises members may unlock!
Want even more play value for your dollar? Each doll or clothing purchase comes with a scratch-off card that reveals a code to unlock additional SF Style Club online fun. Membership has its privileges!
Connect with Springfield Collection
Win a Springfield Collection Doll
One lucky Long Wait For Isabella reader will win their own Springfield 18-inch doll of choice and an outfit* to go with it! Simply enter the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win. This giveaway is open to US residents 18+. {*Sponsor will choose the outfit.}
Good luck!
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This would make a great gift for my granddaughter, thank you for the chance to win
I fully agree. I love Springfield Collection and their dolls. It is so important to me that all girls can afford and enjoy well made doll play items. I am a huge fan of Springfield Dolls and Doll Play!
My niece would love to have one of these dolls for Christmas.