Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but let’s face it, it can be isolating. It’s little wonder then that a rising number of women are turning to the world of blogging. If you’d like to start your very own blog from home, take a look at these tips for creating a great blogging office.
Choose a quiet space
Blogging requires concentration, so when you’re setting up your home office, look for a quiet space away from noise and distractions. If possible, steer clear of the chaos of lounges or kitchens. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to set up a dedicated office in a spare room. Don’t worry if you lack the luxury of this extra space though. A corner in your bedroom could serve you just as well.
Find the right furniture
When people think about working from home, they often picture themselves reclining on the sofa with their laptops. However, thanks to cricked necks and bad backs the novelty of this approach soon wears off. If you want to succeed in your online endeavors, you have to invest in the right furniture. A decent desk and suitable seating are a must, and good quality lighting will help to minimize the strain on your eyes.
Invest in suitable tech
Of course, you can’t blog without the right technology. Given that you’ll be racking up plenty of words, it’s important to choose a device that makes writing easy. Many moms find that a good-quality laptop is the best option. If you think you’ll be on the phone a lot, peruse the selection of corded telephones from Tesco or other retailers, and if you plan to include photos on your blog, a decent camera is a must.
Getting the right technology does require some investment, but it’s crucial if your blogging efforts are to get off the ground.
Set aside some time
Last but by no means least, set aside enough time to actually write your blogs. It’s best not to rely on an ad hoc approach, simply snatching the odd few minutes here and there. Instead, try to stick to a routine. For instance, you could designate slots during the way when your kids are at school, or in the evenings when they have gone to bed.
By following advice like this, you can boost your chances of blogging success.
Image by Dan Harrelson, used under Creative Commons license
Sarah L says
Wish I’d had something like this 40 years ago. But there weren’t even computers back then…
Sara Zielinski says
This looks like a great office.