I don’t know about you, but I am always wanting to do something “great” for Christ. You know, something so amazing and life changing – the kind of thing that will leave a lasting legacy. I often forget that I can change the world for Christ in small ways: kindness towards neighbors, sharing great Christian content on this blog, and volunteering in the community. I can also have a big impact on my largest mission field at this time: my own family.
But still, I find myself losing myself in great stories of those who have sacrificed and changed lives for the kingdom of God. And honestly, I feel a bit jealous of them. Am I the only one?
Runaway Radical is not that story. It is the other side of that story. And honestly, it is a must read book.
About Runaway Radical
Runaway Radical serves as an important and cautionary tale for all who lead and participate in compassion activism, in the art of doing good— both overseas and at home— amidst this new culture of radical Christian service.
You’ll read about a young idealist who heeds the call to radical obedience, gives away all of his belongings and shaking off the fetters of a complacent life, travels halfway around the world. There he discovers, among the poor and the fatherless of West Africa, that he has only surrendered to a new kind of captivity.
There is no doubt that young people today are fully invested in social and human rights issues. They start their own nonprofits, they run their own charities, they raise money for worthy causes.
This book highlights the painful personal consequences of the new radicalism, documenting in heartbreaking detail what happens when a young person becomes entrapped instead of liberated by its call. His radical resolve now shaken, he returns home to rebuild his life and his faith.
Okay, that synopsis just sucks you in, doesn’t it? How can you not want to read this book?
Reading this book, I am left with the importance of serving out of LOVE for God and people. I am reminded that discernment and much prayer is needed when we feel called to do something “great” for Christ. This book also brings up spiritual abuse and the importance of us as Christians to protect our young people. Also, it reminded me, yet again, that I cannot “earn” God’s love. He loves me – no matter what.
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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Family Christian. All opinions are mine alone.