Does an inflatable air mattress really work as a bedding solution in 2016?
Chances are you probably aren’t going to use an inflatable mattress as a long term sleeping solution. On the other hand, air mattresses can work well as a temporary surface on which to sleep. If you are waiting for a bed to arrive, you have guests who need somewhere to sleep for the night, or you are looking for a temporary sleep solution while you are camping, an inflatable mattress can be an excellent idea.
If you are looking to purchase an inflatable mattress you can check out some air mattress reviews to give you an idea about what type you should buy. We are going to give you some general tips on why an inflatable mattress can be a good sleeping solution, and what to consider when you buy one.
Why is buying an inflatable air mattress a good idea?
You never know when you are going to have someone needing to stay the night in your home. That’s why it’s a good idea to have somewhere available for them to sleep when they do. An inflatable mattress is a great choice as a temporary bedding option as it only needs to be inflated when it’s in use. The rest of the time the mattress can be deflated and stored away. This means that you don’t have to take up any of your living space when you don’t have guests.
An inflatable mattress is also a good choice as something to sleep on when you go camping. Of course, an inflatable mattress that you have in your home is not necessarily suitable for use when camping. If you are using an inflatable mattress when camping you need to make sure it easily fits in your tent for a start. You also need to make sure that you have a way of inflating the mattress manually, as you probably won’t have any access to electric sockets.
What do you need to consider when buying an inflatable mattress?
Before you go shopping for an inflatable mattress it’s a good idea to have a set idea of what you are looking for. If you don’t then it’s very easy to be talked into paying for extras that you don’t actually need. It’s far more important to check the quality of the material the mattress is made from than it is to buy a mattress with lots of layers of material that won’t necessarily make the mattress any more comfortable to sleep on.
It’s also important to make sure that inflation and deflation is simple and easy to accomplish. You don’t want to have to spend hours trying to inflate the mattress when you come to use it. One of the most important things to look out for when you are buying an inflatable mattress is that it comes with a decent warranty. No matter how much of a good reputation a product has there is always a chance that problems can occur. You want to make sure that you are covered by a warranty if this happens.
I actually used something like this for a while and it really did feel better than my bed! I wouldn’t mind it. My husband likes the look of an actual bed in the room though.