For small children (and even older ones), the concept of homework being fun is probably an extremely foreign one. Parents often reach their wit’s end with their children when it comes time to do homework each night, but it doesn’t have to be so. In fact, there are a couple of simple tips that can make the completion of homework a much less agonizing process. If you want to learn about how to make homework fun for your kids, read on!
Make a Game of It
One of the easiest ways to make homework more fun for kids is to make a game out of it. No matter what the subject matter may be, there is always a way to turn into a game. You can give your child some extra time to stay awake before bed if they complete their assignments in a timely manner or use candy to teach them how to solve mathematical equations (just don’t let them eat too much). For children who tend to be visual learners, this can make the lesson come to life!
Provide an Immersive Experience
Some children prefer to do their homework alone, in a place where they will not be bothered. But for many, this can seem like a punishment and the real reason that they do not want to do their homework is because they are feeling sequestered. Children often benefit from having a work space where they are able to ask you for help when they need it and still feel as if they are a part of what’s going on around them. Still, remember about providing them proper facilities in order to make it safe for their health – a desk and a chair need to be adjusted to your kids’ needs.
Establish a Group Setting
If your child is the type who works best in a group setting, you can start a study group at your home, where their friends can come over to work on assignments together. Collaborative children will benefit from being able to bounce their ideas off of their friends and the concept of studying alongside friends makes the time go much faster!
Hire a Tutor
When the completion of homework is consistently problematic, this could mean that your child is struggling to comprehend the material. If you decide to choose a tutor, a trusted adult can work wonders, but your child may also respond well to an older peer. If there is an older kid in the neighborhood whom your child respects and looks up to, this may be the best choice that you can make.
Read Together
It has been proven that children who are read to by their parents on a regular basis are able to complete homework assignments far more easily than children who are not. Having the ability to read gives a child increased self confidence and makes the prospect of completing assignments a lesser burden. Ask your kid to read assignments aloud to you, so that you can increase their level of understanding and help out when necessary.
Implement these tips and hopefully homework will be a better experience this school year for your kids. Let me know if you have any more tips!