They are only this young for such a short amount of time. I keep reminding myself of this. Every.single.night. Because they both have a hard time sleeping in their own beds. Both of them. When my husband is gone, there is only one of me, and two of them.
I’m outnumbered!
This past week, my husband was gone, and of course, they outnumbered me. I might be crazy due to sleep deprivation. That’s totally a thing right? I know it is.
As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. – Isaiah 66:13
Here’s what my night looks like:
7:30 pm –> lay down in the small twin bunk bed; the mattress sits on the floor, and help the four year old fall asleep. So, I don’t get angry (very often) with the four year old about his sleep troubles. He still fits into “my baby” category and loves to snuggle. Plus, he falls asleep pretty quickly now that I’ve purposely cut out nap time on school nights.
8:00 pm –> lay down on the camping mat, on the floor of the other bedroom, and help my nine year old fall asleep. Yes, she’s nine. We pray every night that God would give her the courage of Daniel, David, and Esther.
8:30 – 9:00 pm –> hope, pray, beg, get angry (all of the above) that she falls asleep because the camping mat is super uncomfortable and my shoulder is falling asleep. It feels hopeless — like she’s a newborn again.
History –> I don’t know what happened but this summer when we sent the nine year old to summer camp for the first time, she came back with a sleep phobia. We scarred her. She hated camp. In fact, we picked her up early; she hated it that much. Now, she hates her bedroom. Six months later she still needs help falling asleep. I can guarantee you that she will not be going back to camp next summer.
Keep your love for one another at full strength, because love covers a multitude of sins. -1 Peter 4:8
But they’re only this young for a short amount of time. One day they will not need me. If I can comfort them and help them fall asleep then I will. But, for the love of all things holy, can they just stay asleep? Please?!
{You don’t even want to see my sleep numbers on my FitBit app!}
Five Ways I’m Wasting Time
So here are five ways I’m wasting time on my phone (on the lowest screen resolution so they don’t stay awake) while lying next to stubborn non-sleeping children. (I’ve got lots of practice finding time wasters to do while hoping these two fall asleep.)
- Shop (any other LLR addicts out there?)
- Catch up with friends on Snapchat
- Pin stuff you’ll never make
- Waste time on FB
- Look for something to watch on Netflix and Hulu and after 30 minutes choose nothing
What I should be doing on my smart phone ==> shopping lists, meal plans, working on blog and social media, learning a second language, reading a smart book, Bible study, uploading photos to some cloud somewhere…
I really need to stop wasting time, don’t I?
Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? – Isaiah 49:15
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Oh boy!! Good luck with the sleep struggles. You have a great attitude about it all. Im sure I will definitely be using some of these tips when I’m up at for late night feedings with a newborn in the not too distant future.
Thanks, Shannon. It feels never ending but I know I’ll look back and miss the snuggles and love with them.
I can’t help it-I love to shop on my phone…BUT think of all the time it saves from having to go to the store;)
Yes, shopping on my phone is a regular thing. I shop Amazon quite often with my app.