It is a common phenomena that affects everyone who has a home or workspace. Clutter build up occurs over time and can become quite a mess. To declutter your home may eventually require you a lot of time and effort if good habits are not instilled right at the start of either moving into the new home or for that matter, your new room. There are some very needful house rules that must be set in place to ensure that clutter build up is left to a minimum.

Firstly, you have to decide for yourself that you will not be too emotionally attached to the items that you buy for the home. It is obvious why we have clutter at home, it is simply because we are emotionally attached to the things that people give us as gifts in commemoration for significant events, or birthdays or even anniversaries. Sometimes we bring home papers from work, and pile them into the corner of the desk, and after a week, they automatically become clutter.
So clutter in its simplest definition refers to whatever item that is not used anymore, or it could be an item or items that are just taking up space. It is not to be associated with items that you are consistently using like a television set. So size is not a consideration for defining clutter. It is the usefulness of the item that is in question here. Defining clutter is important because knowing the definition of what is clutter, should help you in de-cluttering your home or work-space.
Thirdly, you should prioritize spaces at home or on your workstation for putting things that do not particularly fall into any category. We all tend to categorize items and then we will place these items in order of importance. Items that are very important, that we feel emotionally attached to, will get center-place and sufficient air-time at home. Everyone will get to see it when they visit us, and therefore we will take special care to place these items.
However, we should also designate spaces for the unimportant things, and these spaces will eventually hold the items that we will otherwise know as clutter. It also helps when it is time for us to throw stuff because going to those pre-defined spaces will help us in deciding which items really needs to do. It is virtually impossible to remove all emotional attachments from the items that we bring to our personal space.
Lastly, if you find yourself at the crossroads of a mountain of clutter, and you haven’t already implemented those steps previously, then the way forward would be to dive through the mess, and separate everything into “important” and “not so important”. Once you are able to remove importance to something, you would also be able to remove emotional attachment, and that is very powerful when de-cluttering your home or workspace.
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