While everyone wants their home to look nice, no one wants to spend their whole day cleaning. So, here are some great tips for cleaning your house in under 30 minutes and have it look great!
Tip One
Do 30 minutes each day. Most homes will get messy because they are lived in, but most messes are simple to clean; they become a problem when you let them build-up to the point that it will take hours to get rid of them. So, never let your house get to this point. Instead, take 5 minutes every day to do a quick pick up of your home. This rids you of small messes and keeps your house looking good, if not deep cleaned.
Tip Two
Choose one deep cleaning project each day. You can mop a floor, or scrub a bathroom in about 15-20 minutes, so choose one deep cleaning project daily to keep your home actually clean. This means once a week, each room in your house will receive a deep clean, and you still only spend 30 minutes or less a day cleaning.
Tip Three
Multi-task whenever possible. If you want to clean fast and get a great-looking home, look for opportunities to multi-task. For example, if you are walking something from the living room into a bedroom while you are in the bedroom, look for anything that needs to be put in the living room, or the garbage can, etc., so that you make fewer trips back and forth. Another great way to multi-task is to deep clean as you do your normal pick-up. For example, if you do your dishes and find that your dishwasher has room, rather than waiting for more dishes to build up, grab some vases, toys, or something else that could use a deep clean and stick them in to be cleaned with your dishes: voila!, a deeper clean without any extra effort.
Tip Four
Enlist help. If you have kids, telling them you are going to clean the house will get a poor response, but having a five-minute pickup contest will usually get some enthusiasm. So, set a timer and, for five minutes, have everyone race to pick up as much as they can. This gets everyone helping and excited to do so. Have a reward for the biggest helper.
Tip Five
Run the vacuum. The floors of your home can make a huge difference in how good your home looks after being picked up or cleaned, so if you want a room to look really great, then after picking up anything laying around and out of place, spend a couple of minutes it takes to run the vacuum. This is good for your carpet and for the appearance of the room.
We’ve actually invested in a robot vacuum this past year and it’s made a huge difference in the cleanliness of our floors. When the floors are vacuumed daily, it’s so much more clean.
With a consistent effort of picking up and doing a deep clean here and there, your home will always be clean and take you less than 30 minutes each day.
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