This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine alone. I was given a copy of this book for my review.

This month I was sent a great little book that offers strategic planning and personal development straight from the book of Genesis. Create Your Garden of Eden by Elizabeth Mannette is a short book that is packed with great ways to change your world. And change it in as little as 7 days!
It’s easy to just go through the motions of life without truly living out your God-given purpose. This book gives you very practical ways to harness your potential to live a truly abundant life. The kind of life that God wants us all to live. I am excited for this book and the practical application in my life. Maybe you’d like to rejuvinate your own life and get back on track with your God-given purpose, check out Create Your Garden of Eden.

About Create Your Garden of Eden
When you take the time to discover God’s perfect plan for you, you can create a life that’s more meaningful and fulfilling than you ever imagined. Create Your Garden of Eden takes you through a scripturally-inspired, 7-step process for creating a life that fulfills your divinely-appointed destiny and purpose. These steps mirror the process the Creator used in fashioning our amazing earth.
Here is an overview of the process and what you can expect from each step:
Chapter 0 – Assess Where You Are
Chapter 1 – Light: Getting Clarity About Where You Want To Go
Chapter 2 – The Heaven Line: Be Motivated By High Standards
Chapter 3 – Plants: Plan for the Short, Medium, and Long Term
Chapter 4 – Heavenly Lights and Seasons: Be Guided By Light From Heaven
Chapter 5 – Fishes and Birds: Who Says You Have To Be the Same
Chapter 6 – Human and Animal Life: Your Masterpiece Reflects Your Best
Chapter 7 – A Time of Rest: Flow in What You Have Designed.
Each chapter in this book contains great exercises that will help you complete each step. This isn’t something that all happens quickly, of course, but Create Your Garden of Eden will really help you kickstart your life again in the right direction. Who can’t use personal development techniques straight from the Bible?
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Win Create Your Garden of Eden
One lucky reader will win a copy of Create Your Garden of Eden. Head over to Blessed Freebies for your chance to win. This giveaway is open to US residents 18+ and ends on March 10, 2022.