If you are having a fall party, whether it is a Thanksgiving get-together, birthday party, or a meal, you may want to have games. Games for fall need to be planned for indoors or outdoors because the fall weather is unpredictable. For your fall party’s success, you need to be prepared with games.

Bowling – Bowling is a fun sport that can be played indoors or outdoors. If you have room in your house to play this is a great backup game if the weather outside is too cold, wet, or windy.
Charades – Charades can be played anywhere. You can play indoors or out as long as you have somewhere for everyone to sit or stand. Have one person act out something and whoever guesses it correctly has to act something out or choose someone else to act something out.
Hang Man – Hangman can be played anywhere. If there are a lot of players you should have a board to write on. If the weather is bad this game can be played indoors. If you want fresh air, take the board outside for your guests.
Leaf relay – A leaf relay can be played in several ways. One way is to have the first set of runners get a leaf and bring it to the second runners. The second runner puts an identifying mark on the leaf with a permanent marker, takes it back near the tree, drops it, and comes back. The third runner has to find the leaf and bring it back for the team to win.
Pumpkin toss – A pumpkin toss can be a lot of fun, but it is a mess. This is a great game for after Halloween for everyone to get rid of their jack-o’-lanterns.
Ask all the attendees to bring a pumpkin to throw. Let them know they can bring their jack-o’-lanterns. Whoever throws the pumpkin the farthest wins. You will need a yard that you do not mind a mess in, the pumpkins will explode when they land and chances are good you will not be able to pick all the pieces up. This is a good game for the country.
Freeze or Red Light Green Light – Freeze is a great game to play outdoors. You can get your guests to move around or dance. If they are just moving about you can yell freeze and whoever continues moving is out. If you use dance music when you stop the music everyone has to stop. This is a great way to spend some extra energy or stretch out.
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Remember that any fall party game planned for the outside should have a backup plan for an inside game. Plan indoor and outdoor games just to be safe.
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