Jesus is the reason for Christmas, so get your kids into the spirit by helping them with the following easy-to-recreate Christian Christmas crafts.

Baby Jesus
For this project, you will need one brown paper lunch bag, a picture of Baby Jesus (draw a baby or let your child draw one and cut it out), a small piece of fabric, and yellow construction paper.
Have your child cut the top of the brown paper bag so that only about 1 inch remains at the bottom. This will be the manger. Next, let your child cut the yellow construction paper into thin strips. This will become the straw. Place it in the bottom of the manger. Cut out the Baby Jesus and lay it on top of the straw. Cut out the fabric to resemble a small blanket and place it over the baby.
Great examples on the internet:
Praying Hands
For this Christian Christmas craft, you will need one piece of red or green construction paper, a pencil, a glue stick, and a marker.
Fold the construction paper on a flat surface and trace your child’s handprint on the fold (the wrist will sit on the fold of the paper, leaving about one inch for folding). Have your child cut out the handprint, leaving the fold intact. Fold the hands and glue the fingers together so that the hands look like they are praying. The one-inch fold will allow the hands to sit upright on the table. On one side the hands write, “This Christmas I pray for” and on the other side write what your child is praying for this holiday season. These can also serve as kid-made place makers at Christmas dinner. Just add a name to each one.
Great examples on the internet:
Stained Glass Candle Holder
When this project is complete it will resemble the beautiful stained glass windows often found in churches. For each candle holder, you will need one cleaned baby food jar, brightly colored pieces of tissue paper, Modge Podge glue, a foam paintbrush, and a tea light candle.
To begin, make sure that the jar is clean and the label is removed. Allow your child to glue the tissue paper all over the outside of the jar overlapping the colors. When it is covered, apply a layer of Modge Podge and allow it to dry. Place a tea light candle inside for a pretty glow. You can also sprinkle glitter on the jar before the glue dries.
See the following examples:
Little Christmas Angel
For this Christian Christmas craft, you will need one paper doily, a clothespin, a piece of foil, a yellow pipe cleaner, a picture of your child’s head, and a glue gun.
Fold the doily in half to resemble an angel dress. Glue to the clothespin. Cut out the picture of your child’s head and glue it to the top of the dress. Now make a small halo out of the pipe cleaner and glue it to the back of the head. Add foil wings by gluing on the inside of the clothespin just behind the angel dress.
Easy Examples on the Web
Candy Cane Advent Calendar
There is a poem about candy canes that states that red symbolizes the blood Jesus lost, white symbolizes the pureness of the Savior, and the shape of the candy cane represents the “J” in Jesus and the shape of the shepherd’s crook. Make an advent calendar using candy canes to help your child count down the days of the season.
You will need one large sheet of green craft foam, ribbon, 25 small candy canes, and a hot glue gun.
To begin, cut the ribbon into 25 pieces and glue them onto the craft foam in rows. Tie the candy canes on the ribbons, one for each day. Allow your child to take off one candy cane starting December 1.
Here’s a simple example of a Candy Cane Advent Calendar and another Candy Cane Advent Calendar using felt and ribbon.
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