My son is 22 months old and the past month has been showing signs of being ready for potty training. I have been putting off this potty training thing a bit because honestly, my daughter was ready this early and I didn’t think he’d really be. Plus, life is busy with the homeschool, travel, and the blog. Really busy. But the biggest reason just might be that I want him to stay a baby. Terrible, isn’t it?
How can my little baby be such a BIG Boy already?
{It goes by fast, doesn’t it?}
Here are the signs he is showing me:
- Tells me he’s gone poo-poo
- Doesn’t like a dirty diaper
- Takes off his pants and diaper anytime it has pee-pee in it
- Tries to go potty in the potty chair
- Showing interest in wearing underwear
- Occasionally goes potty (pee) on the toilet
He isn’t staying dry overnight yet but he is staying dry for hours at a time during the day. I made the mistake of potty training my Princess too early. She just wasn’t ready. And we had a lot of accidents. When she was ready, she was ready. And honestly, it wasn’t until she was 2 1/2 that we got serious about potty training. But this guy? He just might be ready.
Man, oh man. I almost have a two year old…
How old were your kids when they potty trained?
I don’t have children but I do have nieces and nephews (10 of them) and I remember my sisters in law’s stories of potty training. It seems they all went, as you write, when they were ready and the ages varied. Your son is just adorable!
I let my girls potty train themselves and it was easy peasy. They showed the signs and we trained based on their cues.
My daughter didn’t potty train until after she was 2. But he is showing signs earlier. I guess all kids are different.
I believe that when kids can, if they can, they will. I think parents rushing and pressuring kids only makes it harder.
I realized that with my first. I had the potty chair out at 18 months. She wasn’t ready. At all. If I had known then…
I am working on this with my son as well. He will be 3 in a month. I have rushed him. Sometimes he will go on the potty other times he just doesn’t care.
Of course, some of its my fault and I probably could be better at encouraging him to go on the potty. Part of me still wants him to be a baby too (terrible I know) but he is my last.
My other kids got it when they were ready and I never forced them either so I know he will do the same.
He will get it Christy. I just don’t know if I want to invest all the time if my son is not quite ready yet. It is just amazing how often he’ll go on the potty though. I do want him to stay a baby – he’s my last too!
Use M&M’s as a reward system, he’ll learn in no time!
My son was almost 4 when he finally potty trained! I thought for sure he’d go to kindergarten in diapers. Then one day, he just did it. He was day and night trained at the same time.
That is great. Glad you made a list. My kids were both just under two.
We made it through three potty training experiences. The last one almost did us in but once you get to the other side, you fail to remember the process for sure. Good luck!!
My son was 2 1/2 before he was reliable. I don’t even remember how old my older girls were, it has been a long time!
My oldest is almost 2 and has been showing signs of readiness. ut we’re in the middle of moving, so I’m trying to wait till we’re settled.
(Thanks for linking up with us this week for Ten on Tuesday!)
My kids were between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 years old when they figured out the potty thing. I do know what you mean about not wanting them to grow up!