There are days when it feels like a burden. I won’t lie — he’s so attached to me that I get to the point of frustration, annoyance — anger even.
It’s amazing how much you can love a child and still feel like you’re going absolutely crazy.
Now that he’s going to preschool for 3.5 hours a day, I’ve started leaving him alone at his class at church. Which means, I get to finally go to my own adult class at church. I have longed to go to an adult class, discuss scripture and life, and actually start building relationships with these other parents I go to church with. And finally after almost 8 years I can!
Until, the three year old decides that he NEEDS mommy. He cannot endure another moment without mommy. Daddy will not suffice. It might be the boobs. My son is constantly telling me how much he loves my boobs. Is this normal? In fact, he calls them “magic boobies”. Maybe it’s the 2 1/2 years of breast feeding?
It’s the end of class, and we’re giving our prayer requests. I’m in the middle of asking for prayer to help me show Christ’s love more fully to my kids. I kid you not, that was my prayer request for the others to pray for me. God must have a sense of humor because my little mommy’s boy is screaming outside the door. Literally, screaming. He wants mommy. Now. So I leave class quietly, a bit embarrassed. Mostly frustrated. I just want to make it through one hour of class. With other adults. Making connections.
I pick him up and he wraps his little arms around me, smells me, kisses my neck, and says, “I missed you mommy.” And my heart melts. He loves me so much.
And I remind myself again for the 1000th time:
- He’s only this young for a short amount of time
- He loves me like no other
- I’m a lucky woman to have a healthy, loving little boy
- One day I’m going to miss this
He’s a Mommy’s boy and that’s okay.
Jackie says
Love this
LaVonne says
Thanks Jackie! I appreciate you stopping by to comment!
Dominique says
I totally feel you! I am seriously praying every day for God to give me grace and patience with my boys! Take your little screamer and times him by 3 and you got my guys. Most days they all need something at the same time. I have tried to show them a little more independence but I am at a loss. Like you, I tell myself one day I’ll miss them hanging all over me. Someday I will miss their little hands down my shirt…. I think! LOL! Hugs momma, you are doing great.
LaVonne says
I am glad that I am not alone in this Dominique. I pray for patience daily. Truly. I can’t even imagine more than one boy. My sister-in-law also has three boys (10, 8, 6) and I can’t even imagine daily life. LOL!
Vai Chin @Rambling Through Parenthood says
I’m crying reading this! My little boy is so like this, and I experience these very same feelings every day. And like you, keep reminding myself how lucky I am to have him in my life x
LaVonne says
Thanks for stopping by to say this, Vai. It’s good to know that I am not the only one with these same feelings. It’s a hard age and a wonderful age all at the same time. And yes there are many days that I cry because it’s just so hard. But worth it. Keep it up good mommy!