My Princess blew me away today. First she woke up early – 7:30 am. Yes, I have a toddler who loves to sleep in, which is fine by me. I like to stay up late and I am not a morning person. (My husband on the other hand is the complete opposite.) So we just quietly snuggled together under the warm down alternative blanket (scored at Kohls the day after Thanksgiving). All of a sudden my genius daughter started counting. 1,2,3,4,5 very well, and very clearly. She repeated herself a couple times and through almost tears I lifted my hand so she could pull my fingers out and count them, which she did perfectly. When we finally dragged our lazy bottoms out of bed I tried desperately to get her to repeat herself for daddy, and she didn’t. Not once all day. So, only I get to be a witness to her genius today.
And yes, she just turned 2 on Thursday. It seems the magic 2 has also enabled her to start talking more. I can finally hear more 2 word combinations like “my baby”, “nana sick”, and “new bed”. Those are words she had not previously put together until this week.
In the words of The Police “every little thing she does is magic”. (Am I boring you yet?)