Put one more obsession down for my Princess: Charlotte’s Web. She. Loves. It. I checked this movie (a recent one with Dakota Fanning) out at the local library (which, I know, I have mentioned many times: I LOVE THE LIBRARY). I had never seen or read Charlotte’s Web but after the last two weeks, I have made up for it. The Princess wants to watch it multiple times per day. I have now seen it at least 10 times. And yes, the first time, (spoiler alert for the one person out there who does not know) that Charlotte died, I did cry. And for the next day, all my Princess could say was, “Die”. It was a little traumatic for her, I think. So each day she says, “Oink”, and we know that she wants to watch Wilbur and Charlotte. (Charlotte is still a hard word for her to say, “Oink” is much easier.)
Tonight I had a headache and I said, “I think I am dying”, you know, sometimes I have to be dramatic. And my Princess looked at me and gasped (yes, she actually gasped) and frowned. I laughed and said, “No, I am not really dying, my head just hurts.” With a light kiss she ran off running.
I need to be more careful with my dramatic flair. She might just start thinking I am dying.