In the Long house we are always looking for great faith-based ideas during the holidays. Christian Valentines Day ideas are always at the top of our search list this time of year. I’ve put together a round-up of our favorite Christian Valentine’s Day cards and more!
1. Friends Stick Together Printable
You can use this printable with gum, temporary tattoos, stickers, or all three!
2. God is Love Wooden Heart Magnets
Not just a Valentine’s Day card, but a craft, this is an easy DIY idea for the kids to help with. Plus, kids love to paint right?
3. Printable Love One Another Cards
A simple card that you can tape a heart shaped chocolate too. Dove candies work perfectly for this idea.
More Christian Valentines Day Ideas
4. 15 Day Love Countdown and Devotional – Mama of Littles came up with a great 15 day Valentine’s Day countdown based on 1 Corinthians 13. I love this idea, it’d even work great for the Valentine’s Day Heart Attack.
5. Raisins Why Jesus Loves You Printable – I love this one. Simply attach a small box of yogurt covered raisins to this very cute card. Happy Home Fairy also has a play-doh Valentine that’d be fun to gift.
6. Printable Inspirational Valentine’s Classroom Cards – It Happens in a Blink created a fun printable with four card options for the classroom. No candy or toys necessary.
7. Christian Valentines Gift Basket for Kids – Not Consumed created these cute printable wrappers and tags for a fun gift basket for the kids. She also created five more Valentines printables that you can get when you sign up with an email.
8. 10 Bible Verses with a Free Printable – Artful Homemaking gives us 10 Bible verses about love and then offers a free printable!
9. This Gummy Bear Valentine features a saying, “Jesus loves you beary much.” This is so cute, because it’s a lot like the one we created here. I think I need to update mine to be more Christ-centered. Thanks, MOB Society.
10. Salt Dough Scripture Hearts – This Pilgrim Life shares a simple recipe and how to paint the salt dough hearts. Adding a scripture to these hearts for Valentine’s Day is a great idea!
11. God’s Conversation Hearts is a very fun idea. I think I need to recreate this one with an update. I found this one on Pinterest with only an image no link.
12. John 3:16 printable poem – this was another one I found on Pinterest without a link. But, I think I’d like to recreate this one as well. I’ll keep you posted if I do.
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