We are staying at a resort for my husband's family reunion. When I saw resort, I mean resort. It is so nice! What fun we are having!One of the great features of this resort are the splash pads. My Princess loves splash pads and pools.It is all we have been doing.Swimsuit all day, baby!I am going home with a tan. *I did a little photo editing with Photoshop Elements 8. I used a storyboard from Rita at The Coffee Shop Blog. {Love that lady!} … [Read more...]
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father's Day!I hope your day has been blessed!As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. Psalm 103: 13 … [Read more...]
San Diego, California
We are having a very fun family vacation! We have been in the San Diego area for two days and not only enjoyed the beach but we are also excited to play at LegoLand. We don't have the desire to live in such a busy place, but for vacation? We LOVE San Diego! {Who doesn't love sandcastles, surfing, reading in the sun, cold drinks, shopping and amusement parks?} … [Read more...]
10 Safe Travel Tips For Your Family
You all know we travel. A lot. That is our life -- our job. The summer is coming on us all fast, and I know many of you are going to be taking family vacations that include road trips. While on the road for hours at a time we have picked up some great travel tips for safety. Did you know that after seat belts and airbags the third most important safety feature on a car is the windshield? It is important to understand and practice safe driving. 10 Safe Road Trip Travel Tips 1. Drive the … [Read more...]
Germs? Yuck!
sourceWhile changing in the family room at the pool, where they require you take off all outside shoes, my daughter yells very dramatically {as though she is just dying},"Ewwww! There is dirt on the floor! Ewwwww! I can't take this!"To which I replied,"It is just a little dirt, you are going to be okay."It reminded me of when she was 18 months and HATED the sand at the beach. She didn't want to touch with her feet let alone with her hands.{Thankfully, she grew out of that one!}The last two towns … [Read more...]
Happy Memorial Day!
sourceWe made it home after spending the last two seminars in British Columbia, Canada.Happy Memorial Day, my friends!It feels so good to be home; when I crossed the border into the United States, I felt like kissing the ground. I like Canada, don't get me wrong, but I really do LOVE the USA.We had a great time with great people in British Columbia. I didn't share many things about this last seminar in William's Lake, but God really did great things there.We opened with the smallest crowd we … [Read more...]
Bible Marking
When you don't hear a toddler for a certain length of time, you realize that they may just be doing something they are not supposed to.How many of you know what I am talking about?At church the other day, I didn't hear my Princess. So daddy decided to check on her. We were at church alone, checking our email. Sure enough, the Princess was sitting on the floor with a Bible (not her own) and a red pen.When daddy looked at what she was doing, he said, "No Bella! You are not supposed to write your … [Read more...]