Do we have bad luck or what? A rusted pipe. Not our house. Now the shower in the master bathroom is out of commission. I realize that I haven’t been bragging up the house we are staying in here in William’s Lake. It is beautiful! Nestled high in the hills above the lake, we are surrounded by evergreen and birch trees. We have deer and marmots (which are very cute!) on our hill. The deer population might just exceed the human population on this hill. We have a new game—counting the deer on our … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: William’s Lake, B.C.
Skate Park Fun
A child who has no fear, and loves her scooter.A husband who grew up with a skateboard.The love of a local skate park was inevitable.As my Princess scoots around the skate park, watching with admiration the skateboarders doing tricks around her, she tries in vain to come up with her own tricks.She yells,“Look Daddy!” And lets go with BOTH hands. Tumbling to the cement, she jumps back up with a big grin. Silly girl!Her second trick was much less difficult: lifting one leg while zooming past … [Read more...]
Beautiful William’s Lake
A peaceful calm and wonderful smells of outdoor pines and greens confront me right when we got out of our minivan. The beauty of William’s Lake is very difficult to put into words and the feeling you get when walking the trails along the nature center. {You know, I often start “writing” blog posts in my head during the day, only to forget them when I sit down to type.} While exploring with our Princess {she thinks she is Dora today}, I lagged behind taking in the sites, and smells, while taking … [Read more...]
A Toddler Accident
The other title was going to be "A Poop Story", but I decided that might be a little too yucky sounding. But this is what it is.We arrived at the airport in Ontario, CA on Sunday. 14 of us flew down for my aunt's funeral. We did not have a hotel reserved yet. {Yes, this is how my family operates, and it does drive me crazy.}So when three of the men went over to get the two Suburbans, I was put in charge of searching the internet for decent housing accomodations.Our tribe owns a Ramada in Ocean … [Read more...]
William’s Lake, B.C.
sourceWe have arrived. Safely, thank the Lord.It was not a good drive. For some reason, I was not in the mood to drive 6.5 hours and my Princess was not in the mood to sleep or watch her DVD. She just wanted to whine to us and make things difficult.Toddlers do that sometimes, don’t they? When we arrived I was physically and mentally exhausted. {You’d think I would be used to all this traveling by now and let it all slide off me like it was nothing.}The home we are staying in is beautiful though. … [Read more...]
Caribou Acorns
Can you all guess what this is?I was sitting on the couch visiting new friends here in Quesnel, British Columbia, when my Princess walked in with a “surprise”. She opened her hand and dumped what looked to be an acorn into my palm. I could see my husband’s barely suppressed laughter and I asked “What is this?”To which he replied, “It comes out of the rear end of a moose!”Then, they all busted up laughing. Yep, you got that right, MOOSE POOP!?!Yes, my family is slightly weird. {Luckily it was … [Read more...]