Our seminar in Northern California wrapped up so well. God really is working there and it is always exciting to be a part of it. We really were spoiled with dinners, gifts and play dates. Seminars like this make traveling on the road so much easier. To see people get baptized before we leave is exactly why we do this though. When people find Christ and fall in love with Him, that is amazing for us to witness!We get three nights to stay at our own home before we head up to Northern British … [Read more...]
Bunny Gingerbread Cookies
When we found out we would be doing a seminar in Northern California with a church we had worked with almost 10 years before, we were excited. We knew a lot of the church members and considered them friends. So this past month, despite the bad weather and no internet access, we have truly been blessed. We have been invited for lunch, dinner, and play dates. Our schedule is full and we feel very loved.This week, as a small thank you for one of our friends who loves bunny rabbits, we … [Read more...]
Montgomery Woods
The beauty of the Northern California at Montgomery Woods. If you are in Northern California on Highway 101, you must make time to visit the beauty and magnificence of the redwood trees. With many state parks and nature preserves to choose from, you won’t be disappointed. Our God is an awesome creator! … [Read more...]
Dial Up Internet?
Really? That is our only option? You guessed it, we are outside “city” limits and the only internet we can get is either satellite (which is a small fortune) or dial up internet. I didn't even realize that people still used dial up internet. Really, I did not. How slow is our internet going to go? We have a Virgin Mobile hot spot but it does not even work here. (We are less than 3 miles from the main city!) I might be a frequent guest at the local public library so I can use their high … [Read more...]
Sick Time
My family is sick. It affected me for a couple days, though not too badly. Today, my husband is really feeling it, and my daughter is slowly getting over it. At home, my father, mother and sister were all sick this past week. I am sure we picked it up from them before we left for Northern California. Not fun to travel and settle in a new house when we are feeling yucky. I was a nurse today. I shopped for groceries as quickly as I could today. We are stocked up. When we are traveling and only in … [Read more...]
Traveling to Northern California
March 2010We had such beautiful weather on our drive to Northern California on Wednesday. Seeing the ocean waves, sunshine, and blue skies out my van window just made me happy.Unfortunately, all three of us have been battling a cold this week. So there were some UN-fun times as well during our 11 hour drive. But we survived. Thank you to the person who invented portable DVD players.We left at 4am, and my wonderful husband drove the entire way. I could barely stay awake for the first four hours … [Read more...]
Trusting God
sourceBad news. Our van was broken into this weekend. This weekend, a high weekend where people were baptized at church and made a commitment to God. (Of course, this is when it would happen.)They stole our Epson Projector that we use for our seminars. And my Nikon D50 dSLR camera that I received as a gift from my parents.I was bummed for about 30 minutes. I mean, really truly upset.Then, I realized that God is in control. I really need to trust Him.No one was hurt. Our van was … [Read more...]