Well, according to the Princess, she is.The two of us stayed home from our seminar to give her one extra night to feel better. Before bed, she packed up her lunch pail and told me she was going “far away”. She packed 1 pair of pajamas and 6 pairs of underwear. (Smart girl!)I asked her where she was going.She told me, “To Canada.”So I told her that I needed to take one last photo to remember her. And please wear your hat, since you hair looks crazy and Canada is cold. Linking up this … [Read more...]
Canada, eh?
source We started our first seminar of the year this last week in British Columbia, Canada.And it snowed, then snowed some more, then rained. Hard.Our tires were sliding, but we stayed very safe, thanks to my careful and wonderful husband. (We even had to put our chains on at one point when it snowed.)You guys want to know something though? Visitors are still coming out to our seminar - to hear God's word.That is exciting! We have been averaging about 40 visitors and 30 church members each … [Read more...]
Another New Friend
My Princess loves finding "new friends". Once it was a ladybug, but on our vacation in Hawaii it was a small crab. Her and her daddy found him, down the beach from me. She whispered to her new friend, "I love you." Daddy couldn't quit talking about how cute it was.She ran towards me holding the very small crab in her little fist. As she opened her fingers the little guy got away, very quickly.She tried to find him as he dug himself down lower into the sand. And he was gone."I need to find my new … [Read more...]
Flight Delay
On our flight home from California, my husband and I had a delay.I hate delays!I am thankful that the Sacramento airport has free wi-fi. That makes a delay much more manageable.I began to want junk food. You know, eat to kill time. Bad habit of mine. So I went into the small newspaper and snack shop where everything costs a small fortune. And I found a new favorite:Popchips in BBQ flavor. One serving is only 120 calories! That works for me! They taste fabulous.My husband did not want any of … [Read more...]
Crazy Mommy
We are on a little vacation from our vacation. Well, I am at least.I flew to California with the hubby for his work. I am enjoying some rest, relaxation, shopping and girl time while he has meetings. And our Princess is at home with Papa and Nana.But I miss my Princess.I didn’t miss her on the airplane or at the staff appreciation dinner. Sorry, girl. It was nice to read a magazine and order a Ginger Ale without having to entertain a toddler on the airplane. Plus, we actually got to enjoy our … [Read more...]
Airplane Maid
I have such a great husband. Truly, I do. I am blessed. I have wrote about him before, here and here. (Read those posts if you want to be green with envy.) On the airplane back to Washington, he was the one who took our Princess to the bathroom. And you all know how small those bathrooms are. I will let you in on a secret: my Princess loves the airplane bathrooms. She gets in there and says first thing, “This is my size.” My husband being the germophobe he is, will … [Read more...]
Diamond Head: Our Hawaiian Vacation
Day 3: We did it! A 0.8 mile hike. The second set of steps is the most difficult in my opinion. 99 steps in that set total. Otherwise, the hike was pretty easy. The wind on the other hand, was a little much. My Princess did not have to walk at all. Papa and Daddy took turns carrying her. Lucky girl. The view from the top was certainly worth it. (Plus, I needed to work off that Reese’s PB Cup Doughnut, thanks honey for buying that one!) Here we all are at the bottom, before the … [Read more...]