There are several things you can do that will save on gas. All of the following tips are things that are easy to do, and will not require a lot of extra effort on your part. Gas prices will not be dropping anytime soon, so it is best to start implementing gas-saving strategies now so that they will become habits. 5 Easy Tips to Save on Gas 1. Combine Your Trips: Want to use lots of unnecessary fuel? Make multiple trips. Several short trips taken in your car will cost you almost twice as … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss This Important Budget for Family Tip
We’ve all done it at one time or another; created our family budget, checked it, double checked it and then walked away. Later on, maybe a week or two later, we discover that we’ve forgotten something, drastically under budgeted something or worse. Suddenly before we know it, we’re off budget and scrambling to pay a bill or maybe even our mortgage or rent payment. To avoid those things in your life, you should have someone else look at your budget each month. Budget For Family Tip If you’ve … [Read more...]
Earn Extra Cash By Becoming an Insurance Sales Rep
August is preparation month for parents with school aged children. School is almost back in session and making sure that they’re ready is important. If you’re like me, buying the necessary school supplies, clothing, and other necessities can really be expensive for a family living on a tight budget. Getting a part time job is a great way to earn extra cash. One very popular choice for those who don’t want to necessarily start their own business but could use an additional check is becoming a … [Read more...]
Live for a Sunny Day: 10 Money Lessons No One Taught You
This year my husband and I have officially become debt free. We have been married just over 15 years and we worked hard to pay off debt, build our savings, and plan for our retirement. We have also focused on teaching our children about finances, in a way that they can understand. We want to leave them a legacy. These are things we weren't necessarily taught as children but we believe that starting with this generation we want our kids to live within their means and live free of debt. We are … [Read more...]
20 Ways for Kids to Earn Cash
Part of our jobs as parents is to teach our kids how to work for the things they want in life. Kids can be hard headed sometimes so it’s best to start teaching them these lessons early in life. If your kids are looking to start earning their own money or if you’re simply looking for a way to help them learn, these 20 ways for kids to earn cash are the perfect place to start! Babysitting – Older teens make fantastic babysitters. If your teen wants to start sitting as a side business, make … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Save Money (with kids!)
Realistically speaking, children are expensive. Kids today want the latest electronics, clothes, shoes, and as they get older -- their own car. {Try not to cringe about that last bit. I can see the fear in your eyes through the computer screen.} Part of teaching your kids responsibility is teaching them how to save money. If you've never been big on saving, now is a great time to start. You can teach your kids - and yourself - how to save up for items they want and need with the following … [Read more...]
An Easy Way to Make Extra Cash
During the holidays, finances can be tight. We found ourselves stretched thin and needing ways to make a little extra cash. Did you know that you have many things around your house that you can re-sell? We tend to buy, then store our belongings without using them. We often skip resale as an option altogether. But re-sale is a great way to make extra cash! Do you have jewelry that you don't wear? Here are three reasons why you should consider reselling the jewelry that you don’t use: Resale … [Read more...]