My son is a pretty big fan of pirates. He loves to climb up our play set in the backyard and pretend to be a captain of the ship. But not just any captain but a pirate captain. He calls himself a "bad guy". Ever on the look out for sharks too. My heart melts each time I spy on him and watch him play. This fall I was able to get him a new dress up costume from HABA. The Captain Charlie Pirate Costume is the perfect costume for my Little Man. He has been wearing it daily and loves to "speak … [Read more...]
5 Costume Ideas That Can Be Used Year Round
It's that time of year again: the leaves are falling and the shops are filling up with all sorts of costumes to celebrate Halloween. However, just because Halloween's just around the corner doesn't mean that you have to make a purchase with the holiday in mind. Whether you have a love for the dramatic flair or are thinking ahead to themed birthday parties; now is a great time to stock up on costumes from sites like Funidelia to wear throughout the year. My daughter puts on a play dress … [Read more...]
YumEarth Organics are Perfect for Halloween
This month while you are all purchasing candy for your kids and trick-or-treaters, have you thought about getting a more natural candy option? Natural, organic and yummy? YUMEARTH ORGANICS is natural candy at its best. It is a treat not a trick! YumEarth’s great taste comes from real fruit juice and natural ingredients, instead of scary artificial colors and flavors. About YumEarth Organics YumEarth, the #1 organic candy in the US, makes Halloween treats kids love and parents approve. … [Read more...]
Have Fun with this Duck Dynasty Costume!
This is a sponsored post. So I first started hearing about this show on television called Duck Dynasty last season. I had no idea what it was. I just could tell from my Facebook feed that it was POPULAR. I remember asking a Facebook friend if it was about men who make duck calls or men who duck hunt. I just wasn't certain. Have you seen Duck Dynasty? About Duck Dynasty The bearded, bayou-dwelling redneck nation has been established, and after shattering records last season, … [Read more...]
Alternatives to Halloween
Far from a post on why Halloween is "bad" or "wrong" for Christians, I simply want to share with you alternatives to Halloween that you can do with your children. This year Halloween falls on a seminar night for my family. We will be studying God's word that night. So I wanted to find some fun things I could do with my Princess as alternatives to Halloween, costumes, and trick or treating. source 1. Attend a Fall Festival - the local farm is having their 40th anniversary and hosting a Fall … [Read more...]