If you have a tight budget (or simply enjoy saving money), here are 10 simple recipes for cleaning that you can try out. Let me know what you try and how it works for you. 1. Glass Cleaner Ingredients and Supplies: 1 cup White Vinegar 1 cup Water 10-15 drops Essential Oil Spray Bottle Funnel Directions: Mix the water, vinegar, and essential oils in a bowl before pouring into spray bottle. That’s it! Great to use on any glass surface for a streak-free cleaning. 2. … [Read more...]
Laundry Cleaning Tips
Thank you Purex for sponsoring today's post. With four in our family it seems like the laundry never ends. We are doing loads of laundry every other day. Do you feel the same way? We've started a bit of a routine in my family. My husband often throws the laundry in and I fold it when it is done. We all put it away. Even my 5 year old is responsible for putting away her clean clothes. It works for us. So since my husband throws it in, he likes the convenience of Purex Ultrapacks. You just … [Read more...]