Two nights at the seminar, and I am convinced that my Princess does not know how to share. I was happy to hear from two other parents that said this is fine and normal. Their children didn't share until they were 4 or 5. So that was good news to this tired mommy. I mean how many times must I repeat myself?Today, while we finished our grocery shopping, the Princess, out of the blue, started copying daddy's quirks. Quirk #1: he always has to play with his glasses. He lifts his eyebrow or uses his … [Read more...]
Me, Myself and Eye
The Princess is starting to confuse the words me and mine. It is actually kind of cute. You can say, "Who wants a smoothie?" and she will reply, "mine". She is starting to say "me" a lot now too. When she sees photos of herself or when we are doing laundry and she sees her own clothes. She points at her self and proudly says "me". And no she does not say "I" at all but she does say "eye". :)She cannot say "grandma" or "grandpa" so we have changed their names. My parents are now: "nana" and … [Read more...]
Ten Things I Can Do With One Hand
Ten things I can now do with only one hand: (While holding a toddler, of course.) In no particular order of importance: 1. Type up a new blog post . (See what I do for you all?All 10 of you or so.) 2. Upload and edit 50+ pictures from my digital camera (which I still don't know how to use.) 3. Flip blueberry banana whole wheat pancakes (hubby's wonderful recipe, they are super yummy). 4. Use the bathroom, pull up and zip pants. (TMI, but this one is pretty hard.) 5. Read a book. (That … [Read more...]
These Are My Peeps #FF
So we all get these random people following us on Twitter. I know I have blocked so many obscene ones, but the funny ones? Let 'em follow. These are my peeps people!@Vision Bedding. What your bedding has visions? I thought I had problems!@Twit_Shop. Okay, if you didn't know what Twit meant today, you would wonder what a twit shop could possibly be. The possibilities are endless.@giantpistachio. Eeeek, I have a giant pistachio following me! Help!@vC3hWZ. Are they even human?Can I be honest? I … [Read more...]
Child Labor Works For Me!
Child labor works for me. I know, that sounds terrible. So let me explain. Isabella helped mommy make the bed. She did her part by adding the decorative pillows. Then she helped carry the hamper of laundry to the wash machine and helped put it in the washer and dryer. I give her all the light items that are easy to load like socks and underwear. My Princess then proceeded to help unload the dishwasher. Her own dishes go in a separate drawer and she is quite happy to be responsible for putting … [Read more...]
It’s Not a Tumor
I am channeling my best Arnold Schwartzenegger from Kindergarten Cop. (He is my governor and I had to google how to spell that last name.) Well, I have two things to share. The first is this: WE HAVE ANTS. And I hate bugs. So, I am doing some research on how to get rid of them by more natural methods. Pinching them one by one is not working very well. When my husband was a boy, he woke up, with terrible pain in his ear. There was also a very loud noise that would not go away. When his ear was … [Read more...]
My Little Manipulator
Yesterday afternoon and this afternoon Isabella did something that I never taught her. Yesterday, she grabbed her diaper rash creme and handed it to me. Then she made a kissy face, puckering her lips very dramatically, VERY CUTE. So I gave her a kiss. She then proceeded to sign "more", which means "Open this mommy". I hugged her but said no.Then today she brought me a lifesaver, that was wrapped in its own plastic. She did the same thing. Somehow she has learned that maybe if "I butter mommy up … [Read more...]