My daughter is now in first grade and I ask her every day how her school day was. She is still at the age where she loves to give me all the details and honestly, I love hearing those details. I know all her friends by name, just not by face, and I know the animals they pretend to be at recess. Her closest friends pretend to be a cat and bunny every time they play. But my Princess loves to pretend to be a dog. She LOVES dogs. When I was a girl there was a toy that I loved, I am sure you all … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Dragon Party
My Princess celebrated her 7th birthday this month and we had such a great party with family and friends. I threw her a How to Train Your Dragon party at my parent's house and we had a local magician come perform. Everyone LOVED it, including the adults. It truly rivaled our Reptile Girl party from two years ago. I had great How to Train Your Dragon party supplies from Oriental Trading Company for decoration and party bags. I am seriously always pleased with everything I've received from … [Read more...]
Minute to Win It Party Ideas
#spon: I am in a partnership with Intel. Through this partnership I gain access to content, product, or other forms of value. This Christmas Eve my family is going to do something different. I've mentioned before that our tradition usually includes a Christmas Eve celebration with our tribal community followed by an evening of dessert and games with our extended family. This year, my mother had the fun idea to have a Minute To Win It Party for Christmas Eve. We'd serve potluck style … [Read more...]
Pool Party Ideas
I don't know about you all, but I have been quite happy with the weather we've been having in Western Washington. Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine. Oh yeah! Both of my kids were in swimming lessons for the first time this past month and did great. They passed and are now ready to take their next levels. Do your kids take swimming lessons? With the summer season fast approaching, my mind tends to think about my Little Man's birthday. This year he is turning two and we will be having a party at … [Read more...]
Purple and Gold Bridal Shower
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target. So my oldest and dearest friend is getting married. I am ecstatic. Knowing her, and her love of the University of Washington Huskies, she'd be so happy if I planned a purple and gold bridal shower. Don't you just love the internet? You see, I am not the only one who has thought of a purple and gold party. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of purple and gold party ideas that I can easily turn into bridal shower party ideas. Here … [Read more...]
Family Celebratation: 80th Birthday Party
Thank you CafePress for sponsoring today's post. This last month our family had a large celebration. My grandfather turned 80. We rented a large banquet room in a new hotel, had it decorated, and catered and shared our favorite memories. We had some Native American songs performed live as well as a few Hawaiian songs. My sister and I prepared an 18 minute slideshow to share with guests and it was a high day. Is someone in your family having an 80th birthday party soon? Are you looking for ideas … [Read more...]
Backyard Party Ideas with Free Printables
Summer is still here, thankfully. Despite all the back to school posts you might see here and advertised elsewhere, I am still taking advantage of the summer warmth. This week were are having a backyard party for the kiddos. We will have a BBQ with great food, games, and a movie to end the night. Backyard Party Ideas I looked up great party ideas. And found some awesome ones that I knew my kids would love. Here are 12 ideas you can use: Backyard Party Food S'mores Kit Serve "Bug … [Read more...]