We are working on rhyming in our Preschool Homeschool. My Princess loves to try to rhyme. Sometimes her rhyming is not so good. For example, she might say that whale and water rhyme. So one way we are teaching her to rhyme is by using games. Pop For Rhyming is a game from Learning Resources that we love. It is compact, easy, and fun - a great combo for our traveling busy family. We are playing level one of this game currently. Spin, remove the number of bubble cards, and rhyme with … [Read more...]
#Preschool Fun: Thumbprint Valentines
This week my Princess and I decided to make some Valentine's Day Cards. Gaining some inspiration from a stocking stuffer I bought for her, we decided to do Thumbprint Valentines. Here are the supplies we used to make our Valentine's Day Cards: Paper Glue Markers Stickers I cut out the colored paper she'd need for the cards and my Princess did the gluing, colored her own thumb and decorated her thumb print. She did great! She loves thumb print creations. We used washable markers … [Read more...]
Learning Resources Early Math Game: Pizza Mania
We love games in our household. We have an overflowing game closet to prove it. When games are also educational and fun to play as a family that is a big win for us. Learning Resources provides so many educational game options. We wanted to try a game that teaches our preschooler early math - Learning Resources Pizza Mania Early Math Game is the perfect game for her. About Learning Resources Learning Resources® is a leading global manufacturer of innovative, hands-on educational products … [Read more...]
My Daughter is Funny
The things that come out of my preschool age daughter's mouth often make me laugh. It is quite funny to hear the thoughts of an almost 5 year old girl. She recently was acting poorly, misbehaving, being disrespectful, and basically just pushing my buttons. I was losing it. And out of nowhere she says, "Mommy, please don't put this on Facebook." Now, how can I be angry at such a cute little thing? She is learning that in this digital age I am sharing more and more things about our life. … [Read more...]
Life in Indiana
We are enjoying life in Indiana this fall. Our Little Man just turned 5 months old and he has adjusted very nicely to the time zone difference. I am putting him to bed every night by 8pm and he is such a good little sleeper. {Thank the Lord.} He is in love with his hands and feet. He is always grabbing his feet trying in vain to get them in his mouth. Plus, he can watch his hands for long periods of time. He passes his teething rings from one hand to another over and over. It is so … [Read more...]
Fall Fun: Owl Paper Bag Craft
So my daughter knows about Pinterest. She asked me this last week if we could go to that "place" and find a craft to do together. So we went to a board on my Pinterest that I call Thanksgiving/Autumn and found this Owl Paper Bag Puppet. Earlier that day we went through the Taco Bell/KFC drive-thru and my Princess got a corn on the cob. It came in a paper bag. So instead of recycling it we decided to try the craft. We pulled out her construction paper, scissors, tape and glue stick. She went out … [Read more...]
Magazine Wish List
Can you believe there are only 95 days left until Christmas? Where has 2012 gone? The older I get the faster time seems to go by. I am going to blink and my children will be grown and I will be old. Do any of you have magazines lying around that you have no time to read? I do. I find magazines for free on online deal sites and I subscribe. They are free right? But then I can never read them. My husband hates that. So my Princess and I decided to go through the large container full of … [Read more...]