My Princess is getting so big. Last week I talked about learning to tie her shoes and now she is whistling. Learning to whistle is not easy, and with lots of practice she is doing really well. She is so excited to be making her own music by whistling. Four years old and she can whistle! … [Read more...]
Zingo! To Go: An Educational Travel Game
We love having a fun yet educational travel game with us when we go to all over North America for my husband's work. (We travel so much, we have a lot of fun things we can do.) We are homeschooling our Princess and love to include games in her preschool homeschool time. So, when the opportunity arose to review Zingo! To Go from Thinkfun, I jumped at the chance. I knew my Princess would love this game that is for travel and like classic Bingo. About Zingo! To Go Take Zingo! zaniness on the … [Read more...]
Summer School With Kelly Kits
Who says summer school can't be fun? We are trying to keep our Princess busy this summer - we have workbooks, DVDs, kits, books, ballet, tap, swimming, and tennis - but one thing she loves that I am excited to incorporate into her schedule is Kelly Kits. About Kelly Kits: Kelly Kits is an all inclusive art play curriculum for children 2 and older. Every art play activity focuses on a simple art techniques in painting, sculpting, drawing, print-making, and collage. There is … [Read more...]
11 Baby Sleep Tips: How to Get Your Child To Sleep
Who am I kidding, I have no idea how to get your child to sleep. I mean, for 4 and half years we have been struggling with our Princess to get her to sleep well. And then, BAM, this week she now is sleeping alone, in her own bed, in her own bedroom! We are amazed. Truly. We didn't do anything different. One night last week, I said, ENOUGH. We can't all be in the same room. My Little Man is in our room in a co-sleeper so I put my Princess in her bedroom and told her she needed to be a big … [Read more...]
Start Training Early
Our family values education in school and life. That is why we made the decision to start training early with our Princess. We also will be doing this with our Little Man too. The tag line for this blog, "Train up a child... Proverbs 22: 6", is not just a tag line, but something my husband and I really believe in. Training our children is not just about education but also social and moral training as well. The following are 5 ways we train our children: Modeling correct … [Read more...]
Summer School With Rock n Learn
We really enjoy a large variety of DVDs in our home. As a mother, I really like DVDs that are not only entertaining but also educational. This is why we love the company Rock n Learn. In fact, we already own Rock N Learn Sight Words. So when the opportunity arose to review Sight Words 2 we jumped at the chance. We enjoyed the first one so much, we knew we'd love the second Sight Words DVD. About Rock N Learn: Rock 'N Learn began as an idea that would help children learn by putting educational … [Read more...]
Summer School With School Zone
We are trying to stay on top of homeschool even though it is summer time. Our Princess just does better when she has structured things to occupy her time. So I am always on the lookout for products that can supplement our homeschool preschool time. Because she is only 4, we are going to do preschool for one more year. I don't want to start her in Kindergarten too early. One way we are supplementing her school time is summer school with School Zone. About School Zone: Confidence in … [Read more...]