How was your summer? We had such a great summer. I have hundreds of pictures on my external hard drive and of course on the blog and my social media channels to prove it. But I don't print pictures out anymore, I share them. Which means digital safety is important. Do you print you photos still? We went camping in June, to Welk Resort San Diego in July, the Oregon coast in August, and in a little over a week we'll spend 9 days in Hawaii. We have such great travel experiences. I am so … [Read more...]
Monday Envelope: Great for the Homeschool Co-op
This school year I have joined a local homeschool co-op. Last year, I felt like I squeaked by quite nicely as a Kindergarten homeschool teacher. I bought this kit that told me what to do and say for the entire school year. It was pricey, but since it was my first "official year" homeschooling it was perfect. But truthfully, I don't know that much about homeschooling. I know when my daughter turns 8 I have to register with the school district. I have no idea if she has to take tests each year. … [Read more...]
10 Tips for Successful Video Interviewing
As telecommuting becomes an increasingly practical business option, many companies are hiring employees that live hundreds, if not thousands, of miles from the main corporate office. Thus it is only natural that many employers are also conducting the application process in the same manner, through video interviews on Blue Jeans and other video conferencing websites. If you are anticipating your first online interview, here are ten tips for successful video interviewing: 1. Polish your … [Read more...]
Ways to Protect Your Family: Outside the Home
There are some obvious things we think of when it comes to securing our families. Make sure all the doors have deadbolts. Install double paned, double locking windows. Make sure every one in the house has access to a panic button. If you can (and depending on where you live you should), have a security system installed and pay the $30 per month monitoring fee. These are the basics. We shouldn’t need to have to talk about these things anymore. It's not difficult to find home security systems … [Read more...]
Snapp Pics and Win with Snaapiq!
Find new adventures, Snaap Pics, Win Rewards! We travel and take a lot of photos of our adventures with our iPhone. When you have two kids and an iPhone in your pocket, it is just easier to use that than bring a large camera everywhere. So, I think that this mobile app, Snaapiq, is a pretty awesome idea. Have you heard of Snaapiq yet? Your best photo can win you SnaapCoins, Adventure Rewards, and prizes! Taking photos with the chance to win? Oh yes, I am down with that! Snaapiq turns … [Read more...]
13 Tech Gifts for Graduates
Do you need a tech gift idea for someone graduating this year? I have four personal invitations for graduation this year and I know tech gifts are pretty hot right now, especially for high school graduates who might not own these awesome products. I have searched all over the internet and found 13 gifts that I think any graduate would love to receive. (To be honest, I want most of the gifts too!) 13 Tech Gifts for Graduates Jawbone Mini Jambox - ultimate wireless speaker that's small … [Read more...]
15 Gifts for Moms on the Go at Best Buy
Life is so busy, isn't it. We are running up and down Interstate 5 in Washington state for my husband's job. The kids have classes at the YMCA; I am homeschooling my six year old; my two year old is a handful; and we are trying to stay involved and active in our local community. There are not enough hours in the day to keep up. Can anyone relate? With Mother's Day soon here, what are you thinking of getting your mom? Moms, what are you hoping to get as a gift? 15 Gifts for Moms at Best … [Read more...]