August is preparation month for parents with school aged children. School is almost back in session and making sure that they’re ready is important. If you’re like me, buying the necessary school supplies, clothing, and other necessities can really be expensive for a family living on a tight budget. Getting a part time job is a great way to earn extra cash. One very popular choice for those who don’t want to necessarily start their own business but could use an additional check is becoming a … [Read more...]
20 Ways for Kids to Earn Cash
Part of our jobs as parents is to teach our kids how to work for the things they want in life. Kids can be hard headed sometimes so it’s best to start teaching them these lessons early in life. If your kids are looking to start earning their own money or if you’re simply looking for a way to help them learn, these 20 ways for kids to earn cash are the perfect place to start! Babysitting – Older teens make fantastic babysitters. If your teen wants to start sitting as a side business, make … [Read more...]
Relocating? Effective Tips for a Last Minute Move
Your boss finally saw your potential and offered you that promotion…The only problem is, you’ll have to relocate to Fairfax, Virginia and you have to move within the next 2 weeks to begin the transition phase with your new staff. As you stare at all the stuff in your home, you begin to wonder how in the world you’re going to successfully move you, your children, and all of your belongings in 14 days without wanting to ball up in a corner and cry. Crucial to keeping a level head, 3 (More) … [Read more...]